Faculty Faculty Index

Dr. Steve W. Lemke

Professor of Philosophy and Ethics

Provost Emeritus


  • Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1985)
  • M.A.R.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1978)
  • M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary ( 1976)
  • B.A., Louisiana Tech University (1972)
  • Additional study at Texas Christian University, the University of Texas at Dallas, and in the M.A. in Philosophy program at Texas A&M University

Teaching Specializations

  • Christian philosophy
  • Ethics
  • Anthropology
  • Aesthetics
  • Hermeneutics
  • Literature
  • World Religions
  • Historical Theology
  • Soteriology
  • Eschatology


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Steve Lemke has many varied research and writing interests, including theological anthropology, Christian apologetics, the doctrine of God, Christianity and the arts, Biblical hermeneutics, world religions, and the Baptist theological heritage.

He is co-editor of and contributor to Biblical Hermeneutics, Whosoever Will ,and The Return of Christ, as well as contributing articles to numerous other books and journals.. He has led sessions and presented papers regularly at the Evangelical Theological Society and other professional meetings. He has served as pastor of two churches, interim pastor of 15 churches, and guest preacher in over 200 churches. He has also served in various ministry settings as a church planter, associate pastor, hospital chaplain, youth minister, recreation minister, and summer missionary. He and his wife Carol have one son, Austin.
